Frequently asked Questions I Get

What if I'm local?

If you are local you receive a lot more from us like discounts, and if you bring back the cream containers or lip balm containers (we are trying to figure out a system so we can do it on a international scale).
We recommend you let us know, and we can book a day where you can come  we can drop it off.

Can I eat your product?

Please don't. Even though the lip balms have a little bit of flavor and creams have enticing smells, We do not recommend earring any product. I also include a card that says "please do not eat our product."

Custom and personalized orders

You can for any creams and lip balms if you have current allergies, all I ask you to do is send me a message and I'll deal with it from there.
The unfortunate thing is the creatures in a cup/ sculpture are a not. The Exception is my Deity sculpture but they WILL be listed as an Product.

Do you ever make the same cream/lip balm/soaps?

Lip balm more or less.
Crams are I bit different I keep to a few old but goodies but their are some that might not come back it all depends on what sales. The same applies to soaps too.
The smells and flavors are made by scratch so some times they might be a bit different but not by much.

How long does it take?

It really depends on what you looking for:
My soap is lye base soap I give 6 mouths to cure for your safety.
Creams and lip balms are any where from 2-3weeks.
Sculpture well very.

Care instructions

Currently things will come with a card, so you know how to take care of it.


Extra information

My creams will last you a good while. A little goes a long way. The creams and lip balms are built for AB weather (dry and harsh) for where I live.